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推荐信,Recommendation Letter,也称Reference Letter,是留学申请中必不可少的一份材料,它是与简历、PS以及其他申请材料相互补充互为一体的重要留学申请文书。如果准备的比较适当的话,能够在申请中发挥重要的作用。下面是关于美国留学推荐信写作注意要点、美国留学的推荐信, ,美国留学推荐信要几封, ,美国留学推荐信的作用有多大, ,推荐信美国留学The problem.




  • 1, try to use the official letter signature paper: that is, printed with the letterhead of the recommender's work unit, the school official paper, so as not to be seen by the school as a recommendation of the applicant this matter is not serious and not serious, affecting the recommendation effect. The signature at the end of the letter or electronic signature can be.
  • 2, the length of the letter should be controlled: it is more appropriate to control it within one page of A4. Even if you have great enthusiasm for the applicant, you should pay attention to the wording and not write the letter too long, which will also have an impact on the recommendation effect.
  • 3, avoid exaggerating, lack of practical content: perhaps accustomed to the domestic secondary school teacher's final evaluation, many letters of recommendation, although they take up a lot of space, but in fact, just a pile of adjectives lacking logic, put on anyone and accurate, so that after reading the applicant can not leave any deep impression. It is far more useful to give an example than to pile on the rhetoric!
  • 4, overstating the applicant's ability: The most important thing for an undergraduate applicant is not past performance but future potential, and as a high school graduate most do not have superb academic performance either.
  • 5, the content of the recommendation letter does not match the identity of the recommender: a pure high school math teacher could never know about the prose you published in a magazine under a secret pen name, or your school teacher does not know in detail the details of your piano studies after school.
  • 6, duplication and redundancy of information in recommendation letters: several recommendation letters or recommendation letters and other materials are not distinguished from each other at a good level, resulting in a lot of information being mentioned repeatedly while some information of interest to the school is ignored.
  • 7, the more letters of recommendation submitted is not the better: for example, some universities explicitly require applicants to provide only 2 letters, "to save time and to be fair to other students, we don't have extra time to read those extra ones." So, they often pick two random letters to read, and under the randomness, maybe those persuasive letters of recommendation of yours are not selected.

【Warm Tips】:Teachers are very busy, writing recommendation letters to you is only obligatory help, so in addition to phone and email requests to teachers, you must meet in person to communicate and explain.





SAT:是由美国大学委员会(CB)主办的考试,是申请美国大学入学资格及奖学金的重要参考,它和ACT(American College Test)都被称为美国高考。但是有些顶尖大学并不强制要求提供,在申请时要仔细查阅入学条件。




申请美国留学的步骤比较繁琐,所以所需要准备的材料大家英国尽早准备好,PS 、推荐信、成绩单、存款证明、个人文书/简历、雅思/托福、SAT成绩、选校、课外活动、面试(视学校而定)、作品集等材料。













M-1签证的学生被美国录取的时间是固定的―他们训练课程的时长加上任何的选择性实践训练。他们待在美国的时间不能超过1年,除了医疗原因延期。M-1签证持有人不允许在学习期间做校内或是校外工作,并且不能改变身份为 F-1签证。







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