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How to lift restrictions overseas to watch "Ice, Rain and Fire" starring Chen Xiao

Popular episodes2022.09.06

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This year's dramatic masterpiece, the冰雨火》终于在优酷视频上线啦,陈晓回归剧圈+剧情题材,还未播出就拥有很大的热度。《冰雨火》又名: Being A Hero该部剧由傅东育执导,于2022-08-11(中国大陆)上线优酷视频。


三年前,吴刚因涉毒被贩毒集团K所杀,其子吴振峰(陈晓 饰)因莽撞违纪被开除警籍。吴振峰心如死灰,被兄弟陈宇(王一博 饰)阻拦出境,途中二人险遭劫持,吴振峰为救陈宇被毒贩掳走,从此再无音讯,这一刻二人的命运被彻底改写。三年后,陈宇成为禁毒民警,不料吴振峰再度归来却与命案牵连。吴振峰洗刷嫌疑后,却被陈宇发觉他与贩毒集团有着千丝万缕的联系。为彻底歼灭贩毒集团,陈宇服从上级部门的安排,脱下警服开启禁毒生涯的新历程。与此同时他才得知吴振峰竟是潜伏在贩毒集团的孤胆英雄。陈宇与吴振峰先后打入贩毒集团内部,两人默契配合,并肩作战,最终在公安部署下将贩毒集团一网打尽。兄弟二人继续投身于公安禁毒事业中,不忘初心,牢记使命。


Due to copyright restrictions on Youku Video and other domestic video applications, you cannot directly watch videos abroad. However, you can change the IP address of the network to domestic and open Youku Video again to watch.

Youku videos cannot be viewed normally on foreign computers. General solutions:

  1. Open Youku Video on your computer and enter the main interface.
  2. Click on the three horizontal bars in the upper right corner, and then click to enter the settings interface of Youku Video.
  3. Click the playback settings on the left, turn off the hardware acceleration function, and then turn off Youku Video.
  4. Search for the FLASH plug-in in your browser, and upgrade to the latest version if you already have the FLASH plug-in in your computer.
  5. After the installation is complete, you can open Youku videos and watch them normally.

Note: When using iPad to download Youku videos, do not download the mobile version, but download the HD version of Youku videos. Otherwise, after opening Youku videos, the interface displayed will only be the size of the mobile version and cannot be played in full screen. If the mobile phone cannot use Youku Video normally, first check whether the network is smooth. If the network is stuck, you cannot use Youku Video to watch movies. If there is no problem with the network, you can uninstall and re-download it to solve the problem of being unable to play.

Warning: After trying the above method and finding that you still can't watch it properly, you can try to watch it back at the domestic node of the VPN proxy!


Nowadays, many netizens may find that they cannot watch Youku videos abroad. Many friends are reporting related issues to the editor. They cannot watch Youku videos abroad. What should I do if there are copyright restrictions? Let’s take you through how to deal with the problem of not being able to watch Youku videos abroad. Let’s take a look at the relevant detailed introduction!

It is possible to use Tencent's video website abroad, except that there will be copyright restrictions on watching videos directly. You need to use domestic proxy IP software to change your IP address to domestic. You can't watch domestic videos abroad, if your phone has a network or a domestic card, you don't need any settings, if it's a foreign card, you need to use a tool like Accelerator, use Accelerator to start the video player! Baidu official website or mobile application store to find a back home gas pedal after registering and logging in to use. After logging in you can directly choose the domestic server connection to use, it can break through the geographical restrictions, in foreign countries can also easily watch Tencent to watch videos, catch up on variety shows, but also play games and listen to music.

What should I do if I can’t watch Youku videos abroad? How to deal with the problem of not being able to watch Youku videos abroad

The specific steps to unlock Youku video regions or copyright restrictions overseas are as follows:

  1. Download a QuickFox, you open Google or Baidu, search QuickFox official website can be downloaded
  2. After downloading and installing, it is automatically unlocked, stable and convenient, and also very safe
  3. 这个不仅可以看冰雨火、还可以看国内其他平台的视频,国内的音乐平台也都可以解除版权限制!


当然除了冰雨火以外,在海外喜欢这部剧集的人也喜欢风起洛阳、罚罪、陀枪师姐、斗贼、破冰行动、一场遇见爱情的旅行、使徒行者、伙记办大事、黑金风暴、余罪 第一季等剧,在这里也可以推荐给海外华人看!





We cannot make the international version of Youku Video without barrage function turn into barrage, but we can make the restricted domestic version of Youku Video play normally overseas, just with the help of QuickFox!

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