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How to play Legend 3 National Service in the United States with high latency? Solutions

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国服游戏传奇3是美国地区当下热门的网游,《传奇3》拥有在韩国游戏中罕见的立体音效,体现了游戏的坚实功底。相对《传奇》和《传奇2》来说,《传奇3》大量增加了兼备难度和趣味的任务,角色之间或怪物的平衡度更加严谨。在美国玩国服传奇3的玩家常常碰到一个问题。如果在美国地区和国内朋友一起玩国服传奇3总是会遇到延迟、卡顿、掉线、Play mainland online games in the United States with high latency, ,Play the original god of national service network speed slow, ,There is a delay in playing the mainland big talk, ,Play Mainland Yin Yang Shi high latency, ,There is a delay in playing mainland games等问题,其实,在美国怎么玩中国地区的传奇3,关键的一点就是加速器,因为在美国玩大陆游戏会存在很高的网络延迟,极大的破坏了游戏体验,这个时候就需要用到加速器。

How to play Legend 3 National Service in the United States with high latency? Solutions



1. Based on online information and some related data inquiries, American users can choose according to their geographical location and acceptable delay rate.

  • New York: Delayed to 230, occasionally 800 or 900.
  • North America: about 270, can't fight in close quarters, and dies when he sees anyone.
  • Washington: 300 per day, melee is easy to die.
  • Los Angeles: The delay is generally 150-200, and the melee has lost some, and the rest of the time is relatively less laggy.
  • San Francisco & Chicago: Stable 160.





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