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Say goodbye to lags, delays, and black screens in the Chinese server

The Quickfox VPN accelerator for returning to China can significantly improve Chinese server games. The delay before and after acceleration is obvious, ensuring smooth operation of the game.
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Why is there high latency when playing The Ninth Continent overseas?







Multiple scenarios, multiple devices with full support

Support laptop, desktop and other PC users to play Chinese computer online games overseas, support Huawei, Xiaomi, VIVO, OPPO, Meizu and other Android mobile users to play Android system Chinese handheld games abroad, and support iPhone (Apple) mobile users to accelerate IiOS system mobile games on mainland servers overseas.

Stable latency and no packet loss

QuickFox free online game acceleration service for overseas players, the line to the world, covering all countries around the world, using self-developed unique anti-latency acceleration technology, so that the network environment and speed to the best, can effectively reduce the delay, lag, dropped lines, slow loading, ping value high problems, professional national game gas pedal, free acceleration of China's massive game.

Six Advantages of 51Quickfox Accelerator
Simple and intelligent Accelerate massive national server games anytime, anywhere, ultra-low latency, stable and never dropped, enjoy the domestic network!

adv Featured Game Lines
Professional return line, with high-quality game acceleration line, stably reduces game delay, and efficiently solves the problems of high delay, packet loss, and dropped calls
adv Real-time line monitoring
7*24 hours real-time line monitoring, quick response to game acceleration problems, multiple backup line selection, efficient solution to emergencies
adv Multi-platform device support
Quickfox supports simultaneous use of iOS, Android, macOS, Windows, and TV platforms to enjoy game acceleration
adv Multi-scene support
Meet multiple demand scenarios, audio and video, games, and live broadcasts are all supported, and the original enhanced mode allows you to play live broadcasts and listen to music while playing national server games
adv Stable acceleration and convenient operation
After the acceleration is turned on, you can enjoy all-round acceleration without switching site nodes and keeping it running in the background. There is no advertisement harassment, and you can stop when you use it
adv One-to-one exclusive customer service
Users enjoy exclusive one-to-one technical customer service, follow up and solve usage problems encountered in the acceleration process in a timely manner, ensure service quality, and ensure availability


在海外没有大陆身份证的玩家在使用加速器玩第九大陆就会触发实名认证问题,海外ip玩第九大陆原本是不会触发人脸识别的健康系统,这种政策只是针对大陆的大陆IP用户,触发珠海心游第九大陆强制实名的原因是,用户使用国内IP登陆第九大陆才会触发,Some overseas Chinese users, because of their ignorance of the domestic Tencent health system, have been asked to compel their real names after using some accelerated national games back home, in fact海外玩家避免第九大陆实名认证的办法就是连接香港节点。Can avoid triggering to play domestic games face recognition and real name authentication, but also can successfully accelerate the game gas pedal immediately download back home gas pedal, watch drama, play games, one click to accelerate. Help overseas Chinese to solve the mainland video and audio copyright and game delay problems. quickFox.



《第九大陆》这款国服游戏在国内外都很流行,很多华人和留学生到了海外比如美国,加拿大,英国、澳大利亚等还是喜欢跟国内的同学朋友一起玩第九大陆。有人说“没技术的土豪,在竞技场只有被虐的份,装备拟补不了技术差距。”“第九大陆,这是一款不一样的游戏,对比其他游戏的热烈气氛,C9论坛显得冷冷清清,玩的人稀稀少少,但是只要是玩下去的人对它的评价都很高。一款疑似被TX放弃了的游戏,没有华丽的宣传,没有用心的策划,甚至圈钱都圈的心有余力不足。在这个游戏里有着这样一群人,他们追求着极致飘逸的走位,追求至高巅峰的游戏操作,追求那份无锁定式操作带来的强势打击感。旁人望着他们灿烂的荧屏,赞美这个游戏的画质多么精致,赞美技能多么绚烂,外行人以为他们引以为豪的游戏是一个巨大的花瓶,盯着他们风骚的走位在说:技能是挺好看的。只有领会到第九大陆十六大职业pk内涵的C9er才能够看懂,他那一气呵成的连招是用多少个日夜苦练换来的,他简单的一个跑位躲避掉了对方的攻击又是经过敏锐的预判和多少毫秒的反应手速能够做到的。有时候C9里一两个技能的衔接就需要练习好久好久。。。第九大陆,它曾被媒体报道为动作类网游的巅峰之作,是动作网游的NO.1。真正玩过它,了解它的人才会知道,它的技术内涵绝对不是一般网游可以媲比的。它是我们C9er的骄傲,我们在这个平台上的操作也是我们的骄傲。不同于其他游戏的拜金,拜RMB,在这里只有强悍的操作才是最令人折服的。可以发生30级虐60级,可以发生难民装备虐土豪装备,可以依靠自己的实力创造奇迹。C9的玩法很单调,副本很枯燥,但是C9的战场却很精彩。我们这样一群桀骜的人驰骋在C9的世界里,一边追求着游戏世界里真正的走位和操作,一边凝望着这个越来越显得荒凉的世界,每个人心里的滋味都很特别,在网游界这群人显得那么的孤独又不被理解,鲜少有人知道我们绚烂的技能背后有怎样的艰辛,我们华丽流畅的连招跟锁定游戏的徒有其表的区别。别人笑我们无脑刷怪,笑我们屈指可数的区服,笑我们不懂追寻潮流。我们无言以对,仅仅莞尔一笑。笑到第九大陆,笑到最后一次与服务器断开连接……”但是在海外玩国内第九大陆由于距离国内游戏服务器远,会存在延迟高,卡顿等现象。通过QuickFox反向连接国内网络加速器,帮助华人用户无障碍访问中文网络,国服手游影视音乐直播极速穿梭 ,华人留学生连接中国专属加速器。不管玩国服游戏、看视频、听音乐、做直播全都支持加速。


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After working overseas for more than half a year, when using domestic software, I often encountered lagging or even inaccessible situations, and was depressed for a long time, and now I often use QuickFox, a software that allows me to watch and listen to songs on my cell phone without speed limit, stable and reliable.


Excerpted from GooglePlay

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