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How to lift restrictions overseas to watch "Teen Wonder Tour" starring Zhu Jiejing

Popular episodes2022.09.06

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This year's dramatic masterpiece, theJunior Wonder Tour》终于在哔哩哔哩上线啦,朱洁静回归剧圈+剧情题材,还未播出就拥有很大的热度。《少年奇妙游》该部剧由李维佳执导,于2022-08-13(中国大陆)上线哔哩哔哩。


国风盛典,是网易大话西游携手河南卫视重磅推出的首档全影视化拍摄的游戏国风晚会。 节目以“影视剧情+文艺节目”相结合的方式呈现,将我国传统的“仁义礼智信”作为节目的五大主要篇章,并致力于深耕中国文化内涵,延续传统文化和创新科技结合的风格 ,带给观众一场场东方审美的视觉盛宴。节目中讲述了一位青涩淳朴少年,山中历练,下山修行,遍览盛唐美景,拔剑精忠报国,打磨坚毅心志,功成渔村纵歌的唯美恢弘画卷。




  1. 打开电脑中的哔哩哔哩,进入到主界面。
  2. 点击右上角的三条横杠,然后点击进入到哔哩哔哩的设置界面。
  3. 点击左侧的播放设置,把开启硬件加速功能关闭,然后把哔哩哔哩关闭。
  4. Search for the FLASH plug-in in your browser, and upgrade to the latest version if you already have the FLASH plug-in in your computer.
  5. 安装完毕后,再打开哔哩哔哩就可以正常观看了。


Warning: After trying the above method and finding that you still can't watch it properly, you can try to watch it back at the domestic node of the VPN proxy!



It is possible to use Tencent's video website abroad, except that there will be copyright restrictions on watching videos directly. You need to use domestic proxy IP software to change your IP address to domestic. You can't watch domestic videos abroad, if your phone has a network or a domestic card, you don't need any settings, if it's a foreign card, you need to use a tool like Accelerator, use Accelerator to start the video player! Baidu official website or mobile application store to find a back home gas pedal after registering and logging in to use. After logging in you can directly choose the domestic server connection to use, it can break through the geographical restrictions, in foreign countries can also easily watch Tencent to watch videos, catch up on variety shows, but also play games and listen to music.



  1. Download a QuickFox, you open Google or Baidu, search QuickFox official website can be downloaded
  2. After downloading and installing, it is automatically unlocked, stable and convenient, and also very safe
  3. 这个不仅可以看少年奇妙游、还可以看国内其他平台的视频,国内的音乐平台也都可以解除版权限制!


当然除了少年奇妙游以外,在海外喜欢这部剧集的人也喜欢新民乐国风夜、非人哉 第二季、榆阳秋、我的青铜时代 第二季、鱼生知有你、闪耀吧!中华文明、去有风的地方、三分野、山水间的家、请君等剧,在这里也可以推荐给海外华人看!






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