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2023 Hong Kong's most money-saving travel guide, accurate to daily spending, easy to travel Hong Kong!

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Hong Kong,这座繁华的国际都市,以其独特的风情和世界级的旅游景点吸引着无数游客。在这里,你可以品尝到地道的美食、逛遍各种购物天堂、欣赏壮观的夜景,还可以游览世界著名的景区。虽然香港的物价相对较高,但我们依然可以精打细算,制定出一份Save money的香港Travel Tips.If you find that you cannot access domestic websites or applications while traveling abroad, don’t worry, because there is a return accelerator called Quickfox available. 51Quickfox Home Accelerator can help you quickly and stably connect to the domestic Internet, and allow you to enjoy domestic network resources overseas.

下面,我将为你详细介绍一份2023年最省钱的香港旅游攻略,让你在Travel Season能够轻松游香港,尽情享受这座城市的魅力。

Day 1:

当天Spending amount:约540港币(以此为基础,后面的金额将会精确到具体数目)
1. Accommodation:Youth Hostels,每晚约150港币
2. 早餐:Teahouse,如奶茶、土司、蛋挞等,约30港币
3. 交通:Subway Day Pass,40港币
4. 午餐:快餐店,如麦当劳、肯德基等,约50港币
5. 游览:Star Ferry,往返20港币
6. 下午茶:喜茶,约30港币
7. 晚餐:Night Market Snacks,约100港币
8. 夜间活动:Victoria Harbour夜景免费观赏,免费


1. 早餐:同第一天,30港币
2. 交通:地铁一日通,40港币
3. 游览:Ocean Park,一日票198港币
4. 午餐:海洋公园内快餐店,约70港币
5. 下午茶:奥克斯快餐,约25港币
6. 晚餐:Big Stall,约100港币
7. 住宿:同第一天,150港币
8. 夜间活动:免费

Day 3:

1. 早餐:同第一天,30港币
2. 交通:地铁一日通,40港币
3. 游览:Disneyland,一日票3为了更好港币
4. 午餐:迪士尼乐园内快餐店,约80港币
5. 下午茶:奥克斯快餐,约25港币
6. 晚餐:夜市小吃,约100港币
7. 住宿:同第一天,150港币
8. 夜间活动:免费


When traveling abroad, it is found that it is impossible to visit the country

If you find that you cannot access domestic websites or applications while traveling abroad, don’t worry, because there is a return accelerator called Quickfox available. 51Quickfox Home Accelerator can help you quickly and stably connect to the domestic Internet, and allow you to enjoy domestic network resources overseas.


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