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How to open a live shake-down when one is overseas, and today put about在海外怎么解除抖音直播限制、How to see the time in the overseas live broadcast of the shake, ,Jitterbug how to live in foreign computers, ,Jitterbug in overseas live how suddenly can not live, ,How to see the fans in the overseas live broadcast of Jitterbug, ,How can Jitterbug open overseas liveThe problem of making it clear.



This is because the live function of overseas IP restrictions, overseas party using overseas IP will not be able to open live, overseas live permissions to obtain foreign live whitelist location does not support the live broadcast to change the location, Jitterbug app overseas live opening permissions set software services overseas in the region does not support to change the location.

How to unblock Jitterbug overseas live streaming

  1. First of all, install the Jitterbug App, and after installing it, never turn it on. If it is already on, it is highly recommended to delete the Jitterbug App immediately and reinstall it, remember to never turn it on after installation.
  2. Then go to the system settings of the phone and check the system permissions of Douyin APP. The positioning permission of Douyin APP must be turned off. If there are foreign SIM cards in your mobile phone, please pull out all foreign SIM cards from the card slot immediately, and make sure that the local network quality of your mobile phone is good, such as the WiFi signal is very good.
  3. Next, download and install QuickFox back home gas pedal. You can search "QuickFox" in AppStore, GooglePlay, Huawei and other application markets to install it, or you can download it from the official website.
  4. Finally, start QuickFox Accelerator and turn on acceleration in it. Please make sure that QuickFox has been turned on the acceleration mode, you can choose the game acceleration or video acceleration according to the actual situation of the network. Finally, open the domestic version of the Jitterbug app and start the UP master's live journey.

Download QuickFox repatriation VPN

Usually follow the steps above, UP owners will be able to play live normally ~ if one in a million small owners still can not normal Jitterbug live, then please add the following chart WeChat, professional open overseas live access!

Jitterbug overseas can not live


1、首先要保证直播间画面的清晰稳定 内存充足 摄像头像素高却性能稳定的手机 是你直播的不二选择。

2、声卡和专业麦克风 也是直播的好帮手

3、使用声卡播放背景音乐 如功效 掌声 笑声 能起到活跃直播间气氛的作用。


5、广角摄像头 微距摄像头 鱼眼摄像头 提高画面清晰度 你的直播会更加精彩

6、电脑游戏直播 摄像头必不可少 还可以在直播间安装补光灯 此外电脑声卡也是直播标配

7、麦克风 分为 动圈麦克风 电容麦克风 大部分主播使用的都是电容麦克风 音质好声音更有层次 小贴士 电容麦的灵敏非常高 为了防止爆音 和杂音 记得配套防喷罩

8、手机游戏直播 需要电脑安装手机投屏软件 苹果录聘屏大师和AiRDRiD等软件都是可以的

9、户外直播 电量充足是关键 可以准备充电宝以备不时之需 麦克风和声卡

10、手持云台防止画面抖动 提升直播观感


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