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Australian National University (Australian National University) White Paper: Landing Notes!

1. Precautions for landing 1.1 A little reminder of love First of all, welcome to join the family of Australian National University! Before you start this brand new journey, there are some things we want you to pay attention to: (1) Currency exchange: Please make sure you have enough Australian dollar cash to cover the initial period after your arrival…


2023 Japan travel strategy: notes full explanation!

如果你计划去日本旅游,以下是一些必须注意的事项: 1. 遵守当地习惯和礼仪 日本是一个非常尊重传统和礼仪的国家。在公共场合,你应该避免喧哗和大声喧哗,保持安静和有序。你应该尽量避免在街上吃东西或吸烟。…


The full guide to travel in the UK: 12 must-know things to make your trip to England more secure!


中国留学生在日本上学需要注意的十大要点! Cautions

Must see for studying in Japan! Top 10 points for Chinese students to note when going to school in Japan!

作为一个中国留学生,如果你选择去日本留学,那么你需要注意很多事项,包括签证、入境、住宿、学习、交通、饮食等方面。本篇文章将详细介绍在日本留学需要注意的事项,希望对正在准备留学的同学们有所帮助。 一、签…

10条必备注意事项让你轻松游日本! Cautions

Japan travel guide, 10 essential notes to make you easy to swim in Japan!

[caption id="attachment_37372" align="alignnone" width="443"] 10条必备注意事项让你轻松游日本![/caption] 日本作为一个旅游热点…


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